"Welcome to our world of endless exploration! I'm Amanda, a constantly ever-evolving mother based in the stunning state of Washington, just a stone's throw away from the vibrant city of Seattle. My life revolves around two incredible teenage boys who not only bring immense joy and excitement but also challenge me to continuously grow, improve, and learn. My youngest is a passionate soccer lover, and we're often on the road, cheering him on in premier tournaments. Meanwhile, my oldest, with his high-functioning autism, teaches me the true meaning of love and acceptance every day.

When I'm not wearing my "mom" hat or pursuing my career, you'll find us fully immersed in nature's wonders, trying to learn something new, or seeking the next thrilling adventure to embark on together. From suiting up in 5/7 mm wetsuits for invigorating Washington surf sessions to conquering the majestic trails of the Cascades with our backpacks, hiking boots, and skis/snowboards, we're always ready for the next exhilarating escapade. And on cozy evenings, we huddle around the table, relishing in good old-fashioned board games that bring laughter and togetherness.

One of our most unforgettable adventures was the time we built and spent a night in an igloo, laughing and cuddling to stay warm. Honestly, it felt like I was going to freeze to death if my amazing partner Zachary hadn't wrapped his body around me for warmth, making it a truly heartwarming experience. Another highlight was paddle-boarding 14 miles down the Grand Canyon, an epic family journey that left us with memories for a lifetime. My husband, our youngest, and I paddle-boarded while my oldest fearlessly kayaked alongside us, bravely taking care of our beloved Husky, Freya, when she couldn't stay still on the board.

Our unique family dynamic, fueled by a passion for adventure, creates the foundation for an extraordinary life. Join us on this wild ride by following our escapades on social media or reach out to share your own adventures—I'd love to connect with fellow thrill-seekers like you! Together, let's embrace the beauty of life's journey."


My journey into the world of finance, data, analytics, and business management began with managing the books for a diverse portfolio of family businesses, including a trucking company, a construction firm, gravel pits, and a car wash. This gave me the unique opportunity to acquire hands-on knowledge and expertise in multiple industries.

After a major life transition, my professional path took a turn. I went back to school and earned my bachelor's degree in Business Management, specializing in Accounting. Initially, I intended to pursue a CPA license. However, fate had another interesting twist in store for me.

I joined McKinstry, a full-service construction company, where I discovered a deep-seated passion for data and analytics. This newfound interest prompted me to further enhance my skills by earning a certification in Full-Stack Development from the University of Washington.

My desire to better understand and leverage data led me to learn coding. Now proficient in Python, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and numerous other languages, I have elevated my professional trajectory to a new dimension. My diversified background in accounting, management, data analytics, and coding allows me to bring a unique perspective and set of skills to my work. I am excited about the challenges and opportunities my evolving career path presents.

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